1. Dynamic Shoulder Stabilization | Clock Pattern (Wall, Band)

Sets: 2 sets total (1 set on each side)
Reps: 10
Load: medium resistance band
Rest: 1 minute between sets
Tempo: slow and controlled
Frequency: 1-2 times per week

2. Front Plank | Shoulder Touches

Sets: 1
Reps: 10x
Tempo: slow and controlled
Frequency: 1-2 times per week

3. Shoulder External Rotation + Flexion(Band)

Sets: 2
Reps: 5
Load: medium resistance band
Hold: 5 seconds at end-range
Rest: 1 minute between sets
Tempo: slow and controlled
Frequency: 1-2 times per week

4. Shoulder Stabilization | Ball Toss (Wall)

Sets: 1
Reps: 4x
Rest: 30 seconds between each rep
Durati on: 10 seconds
Frequency: 1-2 times per week

5. Shoulder External Rotation + Ball Toss(Ball)

Sets: 1
Reps: 4x
Rest: 30 seconds between each rep
Durati on: 10 seconds
Frequency: 1-2 times per week

6. Shoulder ABC's on Wall (Ball)

Sets: 2 sets total (1 set on each side)
Reps: 1 (write whole alphabet to tolerance)
Rest: take breaks as needed
Tempo: slow and controlled
Frequency: 1-2 times per week

1. Dynamic Shoulder Stabilization | Clock Pattern (Wall, Band)

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Plank position, band around wrists

Sets: 2 sets total (1 set on each side)
Reps: 10
Load: medium resistance band
Rest: 1 minute between sets
Tempo: slow and controlled
Frequency: 1-2 times per week

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Keeping arms straight, reach hand to 1 o'clock


  • Stand in a plank positi on against a wall
  • Place a band around your wrists as shown
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Return to plank position


  • Keeping arms straight, reach one hand to each hour around the clock (total 10 reps)
  • Repeat on the other side (total 10 reps on other side)
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Reach to another hour on the clock and repeat

2. Front Plank | Shoulder Touches

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Keep your body straight as a plank

Sets: 1
Reps: 10x
Tempo: slow and controlled
Frequency: 1-2 times per week

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Reach hand to opposite shoulder


  • Plank position on hands and feet


  • Lift one arm to touch the opposite shoulder, alternate hands

3. Shoulder External Rotation +Flexion (Band)

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Rotate against the band to activate shoulder muscles

Sets: 2
Reps: 5
Load: medium resistance band
Hold: 5 seconds at end-range
Rest: 1 minute between sets
Tempo: slow and controlled
Frequency: 1-2 times per week

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Raise arms


  • Place band around your wrists
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Don't hike your shoulders


  • Rotate arms out into band to activate the shoulder muscles
  • Then lift arms up (hold for 5 seconds)
  • Don't hike your shoulders

4. Shoulder Stabilization | Ball Toss (Wall)

Toss ball against wall

Sets: 1
Reps: 4x
Rest: 30 seconds between each rep
Durati on: 10 seconds
Frequency: 1-2 times per week


  • Stand near a wall with arm at 90° as shown


  • Toss ball against the wall (use a bouncy ball such as a tennis ball)
  • Keep elbow at shoulder height
  • Perform for 10 seconds and repeat 4 times, with 30 second breaks in between

5. Shoulder External Rotation + Ball Toss(Ball)

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Start Position

Sets: 1
Reps: 4x
Rest: 30 seconds between each rep
Durati on: 10 seconds
Frequency: 1-2 times per week

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Toss ball up


  • Start on all fours holding a ball as shown
  • Use a light ball such as tennis ball
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Catch at the top


  • Toss ball up by keeping elbow bent and rotati ng arm
  • Catch the ball at the top and repeat
  • Perform for 10 seconds and repeat 4 times, with 30 second breaks in between

6. Shoulder ABC's on Wall (Ball)

Trace the letters of the alphabet on the ball

Sets: 2 sets total (1 set on each side)
Reps: 1 (write whole alphabet to tolerance)
Rest: take breaks as needed
Tempo: slow and controlled
Frequency: 1-2 times per week


  • Stand with good posture, hand on ball at shoulder height


  • Trace the lett ers of the alphabet on the ball (until tolerance/fatigue - take breaks as needed)
  • Keep elbow straight