1. Shoulder Extension PROM (Stick)

Sets: 2
Reps: 10
Hold: 5 seconds at end-range
Rest: 1 min between each set
Tempo: slow and controlled
Frequency: 2-3x/week

2. Shoulder Flexion AAROM | Full Range(Stick)

Sets: 2
Reps: 10
Hold: 5 seconds at end-range
Rest: 1 min between each set
Tempo: slow and controlled
Frequency: 2-3x/week

3. Shoulder External Rotation | Full Range(Stick)

Sets: 2
Reps: 10
Hold: 5 seconds at end-range
Rest: 1 min between each set
Tempo: slow and controlled
Frequency: 2-3x/week

4. Shoulder Internal Rotation Stretch (Towel)

Sets: 2 sets (one set for each side)
Reps: 5x
Hold: 10 seconds
Rest: 1 minute between each set
Tempo: slow and controlled
Frequency: 2-3 times per week

5. Shoulder Posterior Capsule Stretch (Towel)

Sets: 2 sets (one set for each side)
Reps: 5x
Hold: 10 seconds
Rest: 1 minute between each set
Tempo: slow and controlled
Frequency: 2-3 times per week

6. Latissimus Dorsi Stretch | Unilateral (Wall)

Sets: 2 sets (one set for each side)
Reps: 5x
Hold: 10 seconds
Rest: 1 minute between each set
Tempo: slow and controlled
Frequency: 2-3 times per week

7. Shoulder Chest Stretch (Door Frame)

Sets: 1 set
Reps: 5x
Hold: 20 seconds
Rest: 1 minute between each set
Tempo: slow and controlled
Frequency: 2-3 times per week

1. Shoulder Extension PROM (Stick)

testimonial image
Hold stick at shown

Sets: 2
Reps: 10
Hold: 5 seconds at end-range
Rest: 1 min between each set
Tempo: slow and controlled
Frequency: 2-3x/week

testimonial image
Strong arm lift s, affected arm is just along for the ride


  • Stand with good posture
  • Hold a stick / cane behind your back as shown


  • Use your stronger arm and sti ckto lift your aff ected arm back
  • Affected arm doesn't participate actively

2. Shoulder Flexion AAROM | Full Range (Stick)

testimonial image
Lie on back, hold stick

Sets: 2
Reps: 10
Hold: 5 seconds at end-range
Rest: 1 min between each set
Tempo: slow and controlled
Frequency: 2-3x/week

testimonial image
Use strong arm to raise affected arm


  • Lie on your back as shown
testimonial image
Raise all the way overhead


  • Use your strong arm to help raise your aff ected arm forwards above your head
  • Raise up all the way in pain free range of moti on
  • Return in a controlled manner to the original position

3. Shoulder External Rotation |Full Range (Stick)

testimonial image
Elbows bent, stick over stomach

Sets: 2
Reps: 10
Hold: 5 seconds at end-range
Rest: 1 min between each set
Tempo: slow and controlled
Frequency: 2-3x/week

testimonial image
Rotate stick upward


  • Lie down on your back holding a stick as shown
  • Arms at shoulder height
  • Elbows resti ng on the ground and bent
testimonial image
Rotate stick above head


  • Rotate stick above your head
  • Keep the elbows on the ground

4. Shoulder Internal Rotation Stretch (Towel)

testimonial image
Start Position

Sets: 2 sets (one set for each side)
Reps: 5x
Hold: 10 seconds
Rest: 1 minute between each set
Tempo: slow and controlled
Frequency: 2-3 times per week

testimonial image
Pull hand upback with strong arm


  • Sit or stand with good posture
  • Hold a towel behind back with the arm to be stretched on the bottom
testimonial image
Continue to pull as high as you can without pain. Hold the stretch if you are able


  • Use strong arm to pull bottom hand up back

5. Shoulder Posterior Capsule Stretch(Towel)

testimonial image
Towel supports elbow

Sets: 2 sets (one set for each side)
Reps: 5x
Hold: 10 seconds
Rest: 1 minute between each set
Tempo: slow and controlled
Frequency: 2-3 times per week

testimonial image
Gently press hand closer to floor


  • Lay on your side, elbow up at shoulder height supported by a towel
  • Rotate your body back slightly (will help you fixate your shoulder blade)
testimonial image
Roll trunk back slightly


  • Reach your wrist with the top hand
  • Gently press hand towards bed until you feel a stretch at the back of your shoulder
testimonial image
Stretch back of shoulder

6. Latissimus Dorsi Stretch |Unilateral (Wall)

testimonial image
Slide forearm up wall

Sets: 2 sets (one set for each side)
Reps: 5x
Hold: 10 seconds
Rest: 1 minute between each set
Tempo: slow and controlled
Frequency: 2-3 times per week

testimonial image
Lean forward and push your hips back for a more intense stretch


  • Stand facing a wall, forearm on the wall in front of you with your palm up


  • Slide your arm up the wall above your head unti l you feel a stretch in your back
  • For a more intense stretch, lean forward and push your hips back

7. Shoulder Chest Stretch(Door Frame)

testimonial image
Arms against doorframe - Lean forward

Sets: 1 set
Reps: 5x
Hold: 20 seconds
Rest: 1 minute between each set
Tempo: slow and controlled
Frequency: 2-3 times per week


  • Place arms at shoulder level on either side of a doorframe.


  • Step forward. You should feel a stretch across the front of your chest.


  • Do not support your weight with your arms.