1. Front Plank | Forearms and Feet

Sets: 1 set
Reps: 4x
Hold: 30 seconds
Rest: 1 minute between each set
Tempo: slow and controlled
Frequency: 1-2 times per week

2. Superman | Arm + Leg Lift -Bilateral

Sets: 2 sets
Reps: 5x
Hold: 10 seconds
Rest: 1 minute between each set
Tempo: slow and controlled
Frequency: 1-2 times per week

3. Leg Lowering | Double Leg

Sets: 1 set
Reps: 10x
Hold: 5 seconds at end-range and lower to a countof 5
Rest: 1 minute between each set
Tempo: slow and controlled
Frequency: 1-2 times per week

4. Side Plank | Hand and Feet

Sets: 1 set
Reps: 4x on one side & 4x on other side
Hold: 30 seconds
Rest: 1 minute between each set
Tempo: slow and controlled
Frequency: 1-2 times per week

5. Shoulder Row - Elbows to Shoulders (Band)

Sets: 2 sets
Reps: 10x
Load: medium resistance band
Hold: 5 seconds at end-range
Rest: 1 minute between sets
Tempo: slow and controlled
Frequency: 1-2 times per week

6. Bent Over Row | Single Arm (Dumbbell)

Sets: 2 sets
Reps: 10x
Load: medium weight
Hold: 5 seconds at end-range
Rest: 1 minute between sets
Tempo: slow and controlled
Frequency: 1-2 times per week

1. Front Plank |Forearms and Feet

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Start on stomach

Sets: 1 set
Reps: 4x
Hold: 30 seconds
Rest: 1 minute between each set
Tempo: slow and controlled
Frequency: 1-2 times per week

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Plank on forearms and feet


  • Position yourself on knees and forearms


  • Make your body flat as a plank from head to feet (use a mat to ensure forearms and elbows are supported and padded)
  • Keep trunk engaged, do not let lower back arch
  • Start at 30 second holds and if you are able complete 30 seconds without any difficulty, increase hold time to 60 seconds

2. Superman |Arm + Leg Lift -Bilateral

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Start in prone

Sets: 2 sets
Reps: 5x
Hold: 10 seconds
Rest: 1 minute between each set
Tempo: slow and controlled
Frequency: 1-2 times per week

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Lift both arms and legs from floor

3. Leg Lowering |Double Leg

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Start Position

Sets: 1 set
Reps: 10x
Hold: 5 seconds at end-range and lower to a countof 5
Rest: 1 minute between each set
Tempo: slow and controlled
Frequency: 1-2 times per week

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Straighten knees


  • Lie on your back, hips and knees at 90 degrees
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Slowly lower legs


  • Straighten your knees and hold for 5 seconds
  • Slowly lower your legs towards the ground with control to a count of 5 seconds
  • Bend knees and return to the starting position

4. Side Plank |Hand and Feet

Hold plank

Sets: 1 set
Reps: 4x on one side & 4x on other side
Hold: 30 seconds
Rest: 1 minute between each set
Tempo: slow and controlled
Frequency: 1-2 times per week


  • Plank on one hand and one foot
  • Hold
  • You can alternate/change sides between each repetition (complete total of 8 repetitions, 4 on each side)

5. Shoulder Row - Elbows to Shoulders(Band)

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Start Position

Sets: 2 sets
Reps: 10x
Load: medium resistance band
Hold: 5 seconds at end-range
Rest: 1 minute between sets
Tempo: slow and controlled
Frequency: 1-2 times per week

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Keep your elbows from going behind your shoulders


  • Stand with good posture as shown
  • Choose a resistance that you can complete 10 continuous repetitions with some difficulty but able to complete one full set


  • Using the muscles between your shoulder blades, bring your shoulder blades back and down
  • At the same time perform a rowing motion, keeping your elbows from going behind your shoulders
  • Return to the start position in a slow and controlled fashion

6. Bent Over Row | Single Arm (Dumbbell)

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Knee up on bench, back straight

Sets: 2 sets
Reps: 10x
Load: medium weight
Hold: 5 seconds at end-range
Rest: 1 minute between sets
Tempo: slow and controlled
Frequency: 1-2 times per week

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Lift weight up to chest


  • One knee and one arm up on bench to brace yourself
  • Hold dumbbell in one hand, arm hanging straight
  • Choose a weight that you can complete 10 continuous repetitions with some difficulty but able to complete one full set


  • Lift weight up toward chest
  • Relax slowly down to the start position